The Bad Guy begins with the one-year anniversary of a tragic school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, igniting renewed debates on gun control and school safety. Belgian filmmaker Louise, a new mother, lives nearby and becomes increasingly concerned about the safety of American schools. The film examines a society grappling with fear and excessive security measures, questioning its ability to protect its young.
Genre: Documentary
IMDB Rating: N/A
Rotten Rating: N/A
Metacritic Rating: N/A
Directed by: Kwinten Gernay , Louise Van Assche
Starring: N/A
Release Name: The.Bad.Guy.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD.2.0.H.264-playWEB
Video: MKV
Audio: English | AC3 / dolby digital plus
Runtime: 1 h 9 min
Subtitles: English [Selectable]